
乐鱼体育  发布于:2024-05-30



一切事物的生成和存在都有原因,只有在以某种有价值的东西做为目的时,事物才有价值。Onlywhen something of value to make the purpose of their lives havevalue.

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Location:Pazhou, GuangzhouSite Area:329㎡Content:2023 Guangzhou Design Week HEGII ExhibitionExhibitionDuration: 4 days


恒洁卫浴HEGII创立于1998年,拥有覆盖全品类的卫浴产品。恒洁品牌使命“专注品质,持续创新,倡导环保,致力于通过产品和服务,创造品质美好生活”。在2023年,恒洁品牌形象全面升级,全新的品牌主张“选品质就是选生活”,意味着恒洁要与消费群体加深场景体验,建立价值与情感共鸣,将品质融入消费者的生活体验;HEGIIwas founded in 1998 and has a full range of sanitary wareproducts.HEGII brand mission: Focus onquality,continuous innovation, advocate environmentalprotection, committed to creating a better quality of life throughproducts and services .In 2023, the brand image of HEGIIwill be upgraded, and the new brand slogan Choosing quality ischoosing life means that HEGII will deepen the scene experiencewith the consumer group, establish the value and emotional resonance,and integrate the quality into the consumer s life experience..

在本次2023的广州设计周展厅概念上,汤物臣提出强化【H】品牌超级符号,名之【H-SPACE】。以恒洁卫浴产品的场景体验为基点,以自然酝化而出的传统文化为线索,在对大自然敬畏下回归原始去呈现产品的质感语境;将行为参与空间产生偶然的必然性事件,从而激发观展人的探索意愿;Onthe concept of the exhibition of Guangzhou DesignWeek in 2023, INSproposes to strengthen the brand super-symbol, named [H-SPACE].Taking the scene experience of HEGII s products as the startingpoint, and traditional culture as the clue, the art of presenting theproducts returns to the primitive under the fear of nature, thusstimulating the visitors desire to explore;


在与品牌方探讨策略定位的前期,汤物臣团队去了恒洁的工厂基地考察。恒洁的四个环保理念:热能回收,废料回收,废水处理,绿色能源模型(太阳能),细节上处处充满了对大自然的敬畏,正如恒洁的品牌理念——希望能引领行业绿色生产;Beforeexploring the strategic positioning with HEGII, the INS team visitedHEGII s factory . HEGII s four environmental protection concepts:heat recycling, waste recycling, wastewater treatment, and greenenergy modeling (solar energy) are full of reverence for nature inevery detail.HEGIIhope to lead the industry in greenproduction.






中国文化的内涵几乎都与自然相关,从儒家思想的“仁者以天地万物为一体”,再到寄情于山水的“飞流直下三千尺”的唐宋诗词。天道包容,滋养万物,此间流传千百年的文化传承,强调自然价值自足,本身即是目的;Almostall of Chinese culture is related to nature. The cultural heritagepassed down for thousands of years emphasizes the self-sufficiency ofnatural values, which is an end in itself.

在这个层面上,我们希望更多的表达品牌方所坚持的:敬畏自然,行有所止的的环保理念,这正恰恰是恒洁与其他品牌最大的差异化;Atthis level, we hope to express the brand s insistence on respectingnature and environmental protection, which is precisely the biggestdifferentiation between HEGII and other brands.

冲突与和谐Conflictand Harmony

「光与暗」「方与圆」 「锐与钝」「动与静」都体现出不同形式的力量与美;一刚一柔,一轻一重,一拙一巧在空间中形成了鲜明的对比。不同建筑形态相得益彰,促成了建筑构件逻辑层面的统一性和贯一性。而“将复杂的结构简单化”是本次H-SPACE设计过程中,整合所有技术逻辑和文脉意境关系的核心法则; Lightand darkness, square and circle, sharp and blunt, motion andstillness all embody different forms of power and beauty; and simplifying the complex structure is the core principlethat integrates all the technical logic and contextual relationshipin the design process of H-SPACE.

正如赫拉克利特认为:在对立与冲突的背后有某种程度的和谐,而协调本身并不是引人注目的,冲突使世界充满生气。究其本质,自然的生命律动,是从对立到冲突,再到和谐从而共生的美妙悖论;AsHeraclitus siad: Behind the opposition and conflict there is acertain degree of harmony, which is not in itself compelling, andconflict enlivens the world.




立足于自然,自是不辜负良辰美景,我们自传统文化,自山海获取无穷的自然符号,得以立体化呈现在整体建筑的方方面面。空间以白色作为基底,元素的甄选精益求精;点点绿荫,光影所至,瞬间点燃这一空间片段,生出古雅之意;Wefollow the traditional culture and take inspiration from nature,which is then visualized in every aspect of the building.The space isbased on white color, and the selection of elements is perfect; greenplants form the shade, instantly igniting the space.


在确定了品牌策略定位后,我们抛开传统的形式主义,提出【极致产品化】的概念,重新定义展示产品的表达方式,消弭思维的界限,用艺术的手法抛砖引玉,用10%的产品语境表达100%的生活方式,传达不一样的质感与美学理念;Afterdetermining the strategic positioning of the brand, we put forwardthe concept of Extreme Productization to redefine theexpression of the display products, using 10% of the product contextto express 100% of the lifestyle, and conveying different texturesand aesthetic concepts.


正如管子所言:大地是人的来处,亦是归处。我们从恒洁产品的11种原材料中采撷灵感,将原始的诗意,书写在空间入口处的位置,从“零“开始,逐步探索极致;Wetook inspiration from the 11 types of raw materials used inHEGII sproducts and placed the original materials at the entrance of thespace, starting from zero and gradually exploring theultimate.




蒲公英代表着干净,简单而纯粹,却又带着自由的圣洁净化的力量。采用黑白灰三色的花洒通过金属构件连接组成蒲公英的形式,将时光的流彩细细打磨,唤醒人们深埋心底的诗与远方;Dandelionrepresents cleanliness, simplicity and purity, but with the power offreedom and purification. The black, white and gray sprinkles areconnected by metal components to form the dandelion.

自入口继续往内走去,便是H-SPACE灵感站;空间界面融合连续,以简驭繁,纯净自足;舒惬的氛围中,来者自由游走,而坐品咖,凝视这抹绿意的生命感,保留生活的原生感,激发和链接自由向上的自然力量,营造更立体的感官共鸣;Continuingfrom the entrance, you will find the H-SPACE Inspiration Station; thespatial interface is integrated and continuous; in the cozyatmosphere, visitors are free to roam around, sit down to enjoy a cupof coffee, and feel the sense of life of the greenery, whichstimulates and links up the natural power of freedom and upwardmobility.


将热能回收、废水处理、废料回收和太阳能,通过微型模型复刻,或直接或间接的传达品牌方可持续发展理念,逐步引发观展人对于品质/环保/生活的多方面思考;Heatrecovery, wastewater treatment, waste recycling and solar energy arereproduced in miniature. It conveys the brand s concept ofsustainable development, and gradually triggers visitors to thinkabout quality, environmental protection, and life in variousaspects..

机械制造生产废水在电镀过程中会排出危害环境和人类的含有铜、氰、镍、锌、铬等重金属元素,而恒洁在废水处理中特别过滤重金属,实现排放出的废水可再利用于生态环境;在水厂模型中也展示4个重金属模块,内部材质分配为:仿焦铜(Cr)、氰(Cu)、镍(Cn)、铬(Ni)重金属颜色,加深传达恒洁品牌的环保坚持;Mechanicalproduction wastewater in the electroplating process will dischargeheavy metal elements containing cr, cu, cn, ni, etc. which arehazardous to the environment and human beings.HEGIIwillspecially filter heavy metals in the wastewater treatment. The fourheavy metal modules on display are assigned with the internalmaterials: (Cr), (Cu), (Cn), (Ni) to deeply conveythe environmental protection persistence of Hengjie brand;

万物皆有裂缝,那是光照进来的地方;Thereisa Crack in Everything,That s How the Light Gets in.

中华传统的天文观测仪器日晷(guǐ)通常由铜制的指针和石制的圆盘组成,利用太阳投射的影子来测定时刻。我们自日晷中提取设计符号,利用“圆”的概念作为H-SPACE的核心设计元素;“圆”是最柔和的形状,是万物与自然周而复始的象征,沉浸其中不免感受被建筑温柔包裹;Atraditional Chinese astronomical instrument, the sundial is usuallycomposed of a brass pointer and a stone disk, and uses the shadowcast by the sun to determine the time. We extracted the designsymbols from the sundial and used the concept of circle as the core design element of H-SPACE;


用恒洁核心产品智能马桶的一键旋钮,以时间串联起的流动线,点与点之间的旋钮,也在轻诉着各自历经过的故事与辉煌;Withthe one-touch button ofHEGII score product. theflow line linked by time, and the buttons between the dots tell thestory and splendor of their respective experiences.


阳光是万物生长的来源,空间的生命力也是在光影移动间得到演绎;将光影可视化,空间顶上排列有秩的品牌符号H;光投射下流动的H倒影,犹如圣洁的光沐浴着波动的情绪,承载一种直接的温暖,也体悟一种恒久的寓意;Sunlightis the source of growth for everything. Visualizing light and shadow,the brand symbol H is arranged on the top of the space; thereflection of H under the light is like a holy light..

空间顶上间隙将光影切割,将建筑的空间转译成连接神性的精神空间,延续了东方空间的神秘性与含蓄性。正是与提取的日晷的设计元素相辅相成,以圆为盘,以 H 为针,于有限中衍生出无限可能.....Throughthe brand symbol H arranged in an orderly manner on the top of thespace, the staggered gaps cut through the light and shadow, Itcomplements the design elements of the extracted sundial, using thecircle as a disk and the H as a needle, creating infinitepossibilities out of the finite.


应用瀑布式龙头通过高低错落的层次感呈现出中国古代计时仪器漏刻,潺潺湲湲的水流仿佛在诉说着东方传统的历史,此处的到访者化身为历史的笔,记录定格的当下与变化的未来;Theapplication of waterfall faucet presents the leakage of the ancientChinese timepiece through the sense of hierarchy, and the slow flowof water seems to tell the history of the Oriental tradition.

跟随着东方传统韵味的时间漏刻,穿越到未来主义的现代实验室;仿佛置身时光机器,让感官冲突得到进一步的满足;Followingthe traditional oriental flavor of the time lapse, traveling to thefuturistic modern laboratory; as if in a time machine, to furthersatisfy the conflict of the senses;


在科技与生活,东方与西方的多维度理念冲突下,将王牌产品R9一一拆解,包括胚料与釉面实验品展示,流水山庄模型与R9零配件模型,机械臂,遥控器+一键旋钮,以及R9心脏装置;各种零配件或整齐的散落在墙面上,或有序的排列在实验台,一种用意识无法描述的科幻美感于此诞生;Underthe conflict between the concepts of technology and life, the brand sproduct R9 is disassembled one by one, including the embryo material,R9 heart device, robot arm, glaze and other spare parts scattered onthe cabinet.

从开放对外,展示恒洁自然生活质量基调空间;到回归自我,向心的圣洁静谧;到未来探索,遇见恒洁超前技术的实验室空间;Architectureis like the laws of nature; finding balance and creation indiversity, distinction and conflict. Interpretation of architecturalspace, expression of life stories.

视觉上的通达,生成了一二层空间的互语关系;错景的层次,光影的造访,给足了体验的极限拉扯,和余味悠长的留白想象;Thevisual access generates the interlocutionary relationship between thefirst and second floors of the space; the staggered layers of thelandscape, the visit of light and shadow give enough white space forimagination.

移步,登阶,旋梯旁嵌柔性灯点,通往二层区域渐次抬高,故事继续;Asyou move up the stairs, the spiral staircase is illuminated withflexible lights. Gradual elevation of the area leading to the secondfloor.

抵达出口,人影声语和感温随着光影逐渐弥散,这趟奇趣旅程却未完待续,心与心的交汇语碰撞再次发生,带着探索继续遇见生活的质美;Arrivingat the exit, people, voices and sensations fade away, but the journeyis not finishedyet, the heart-to-heart language collisionoccurs again, and the exploration continues to meet the beauty oflife.



大消费时代下,中国的品牌方愈来愈重视空间美学的表达,艺术美学也同时是品牌社交媒体战略的重要组成部分;如何用设计为品牌赋能,【H-SPACE】正是一次展现品牌力创新的有益探索;Inthe era of mass consumption, Chinese brands are paying more and moreattention to the expression of spatial aesthetics, and artisticaesthetics is also an important part of a brand s social mediastrategy; how to empower a brand with design, [H-SPACE] is a usefulexploration of the innovation of branding power.


在本次2023广州设计周总参观人数:达40万+人次;Thetotal number of visitors in this 2023 Guangzhou Design Week: 400,000+visitors;


回顾本届广州设计周中恒洁H-SPACE的成绩,恒洁以78.31%成为认可度最高的卫浴品牌,领先第二名。同时,在本次设计师调研中,恒洁(75.06%)也成为受访设计师心目中国内卫浴品牌好感度最高的品牌;Lookingback at the results ofHEGIIH-SPACE in this year sGuangzhou Design Week,HEGIIbecamethe most recognized sanitary ware brand with 78.31%, far ahead of thesecond place. At the same time,HEGII(75.06%)also became the brand with the highest brand favoritism in China inthe surveyed designers minds;


另外,在设计师与品牌联名的展厅中,谢英凯恒洁卫浴打造的H-SPACE主题馆在本届广州设计周上表现出彩,备受设计师青睐,亦成为中国设计师联名品牌中呼声最高的品牌;Inaddition, among the exhibition halls co-branded by designers, theH-SPACE hall created by Thomas TsexHEGIIwasoutstanding in this year s Guangzhou Design Week, which was highlyfavored by designers and became the most popular co-branded brandamong Chinese designers.

△人民日报刊登【H-SPACE】 ▲现场搭建过程(动图闪图)未完待续ToBeContinuedINFO
















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